Burda PSA: Disaster Strikes! GLP News Has Died

UPDATE: I’ve posted an update post here. I’d recommend reading it in addition to this post if you are looking for more information about what’s up with GLP News and what’ happening to BurdaStyle subscriptions in the US.

Now, on to the original post…

Ok, so for those of you who have long followed this blog for Burda news and pattern releases, this will probably be an important post. I just found out via @ysg2007 on Instagram (You sew, girl! on the blog-o-sphere) that GLP News, US distributor of BurdaStyle Magazine, had closed down. Any attempt to link to their site gives the following message:

Essentially, it says that there is a new US distributor, but gives no indication of who it is or how those who still have valid subscriptions should proceed. Even if it meant placing a new subscription, there is no indication of where to do so. When this happened to Canada a few months ago there was much discussion and frustration, though based off of comments from my awesome blog readers it does seem that there is a reliable Canadian source of BurdaStyle Magazine now. I expect this might also be the case for the US in the near future, though there are several questions I find myself wondering…

  • Will BurdaStyle sell English subscriptions through its US site, BurdaStyle.com? It still seems a bit nuts that all other BurdaStyle sites promote the magazine releases, and sell magazine subscriptions as well as the digital patterns, while the US site is about 1-2 months behind in just having the digital patterns.
  • Will there be distribution through the SimplyMcButtVogue group? BurdaStyle and Simplicity seem to be having a bit of a partnership going on, but now that Simplicity is owned by the Big4/1, maybe there is some distribution negotiations going on there? Though Vogue’s own magazine’s recent demise doesn’t seem to bode well in that direction.
  • Will US subscribers be forced to turn to international sources for their BurdaStyle Magazines?
  • Or will there be a new independent US distributor, much in the same way that the Canadian distributor was replaced?

I suppose time will tell with these questions. In the meantime, what is a Burda-obsessed former GLP subscriber to do? Well, depending on what stage of grief you are at, here are some options…

(1) Deny it. This is probably not the best option as it will leave you Burda-less within the month as the June issue should be shipped in a few weeks. You should probably get through this stage of grief as quickly as you can.

(2) Throw things. Probably also not the most productive means of dealing with grief, especially if you throw things at your sewing machine, but it might give you some temporary relief. Using the bleep mouth emoji liberally over the next few days might also help you express your current state of insatiable rage.

(3) Plead. I’m not sure who you’d plead with, as it seems that GLP hasn’t been answering phones or emails in quite some time, but I suppose this might be an option. That or else you might plead with your bank account for forgiveness because you are now going to have to pay for a second subscription since you won’t be getting the one you already paid for.

(4) Cry. Yes, I think this is a legitimate response, especially if you had a rather lengthy subscription time remaining. Personally I had just renewed my Burda Easy subscription last week (I literally just got the renewal card in the mail on Saturday. Saturday!!!), and because I had been one of the last people to have a year long subscription to Burda before they reduced it to 6 month subscriptions only, I had about 5 months of regular issues that I’d already paid for as well. That’s 7 magazines I’m not getting, and that’s worth crying over. Even if it is spilt milk.

(5) Find a new place to buy Burda, at least temporarily. Look. I know we are all unhappy about the GLP News news. But that doesn’t mean Burda isn’t still going to be publishing magazines, and that we still aren’t going to want them, or wish we had them at some point in the future. So that means figuring out how to acquire Burda in the meantime. It’s been a bit of a hunt, but I think I’ve found some options for us…

  • UK Newsstand: This is a UK site that sells single issues or subscriptions to the English edition (they also offer the German edition) of the magazine. Not gonna lie; I already bough the June issue from them because I’ve looked at the line drawings (I expect the full magazine preview to drop tomorrow, at which point I’ll do my typical write-up) and I know I want it. I wasn’t willing to hope that I’d hear anything about a new US distributor in the meantime, so I jumped on it.
  • Amazon: Apparently you can subscribe to BurdaStyle on Amazon??? It says it is distributed by Verlag Aenne Burda as well, and not GLP News, so I’m hoping this means a direct from publisher distribution. I was a bit skeptical, but there are 45 reviews, so it seems legit. Plus, if there are issues I can talk to Amazon customer service. And Amazon doesn’t seem in danger of folding anytime soon. So, I’m going to try it. It says it will take 6-10 weeks for the first issue to arrive, so I might not be getting anything from this until the August issue, if it works. I will report back later with updates. EDIT: Comment from LindaC has warned us away from this option as Magazine Express has terrible reviews elsewhere online. KSSews also said her subscription through Amazon was delivered via GLP. And as a general warning Amazon will NOT let you cancel magazine orders as soon as 12 hours after placing them, so I’d warn against this option. At this point I’m going to point people towards the UK Newsstand option because commenters have had a much better experience with them.
  • BurdaStyle: If you are willing to wait for patterns to be released, and you are ok with only buying the patterns you really want for more than half the cost of a single magazine, you can buy the digital patterns from the US BurdaStyle site after they release them. Personally I’d rather gauge my eyes out with spoons than tape PDF patterns (yes, yes, I know PDF Plotter is a thing, but still. And really, my main objection is I could be spending over $150 a month on sewing patterns if I really like a lot of patterns in an issue and that’s just not sustainable over the long term. Plus, I just really like having the magazine.)
  • eBay: This is how I built up my amazing back catalog of BurdaStyle Magazines. Yes, I said it. My collection is amazing. eBay has always been my go-to when shit goes down and the postal service screws up, or I want some Burda Easy or Burda Plus edition that I haven’t subscribed to. Normally, I’d rely on eBay for the June issue this year, but with the entire country’s supply gone and the entire country’s demand having just gone way, way up, I’m thinking the odds are not in my favor. So while I’d normally point people here for single issues, I’m thinking we might not want to take that risk for the next couple of issue this year.
  • EDIT/UPDATE: Some lovely commenters have suggested contacting the credit card companies, or Burda directly, with proof of subscriptions, as it seems both claims have been successful disputes in the past.
  • EDIT/UPDATE #2: According to the comments, US residents cannot subscribe to the magazine through the UK Burda site, but the German office recommended the French distributor Abo Press Dipa. The online options seem to be in French, but contacting them might provide a way to get the English versions. They also seem to carry the Burda Craft and other magazines. Also, several people have mentioned that you can subscribe directly through the Burda France website. I will caution that shipping costs more than the actual magazine (at least for the Burda Easy subscription), and with currency conversion it is a pretty penny, but it is a way to get Burda Easy and Burda Plus, which the other sources have not been able to furnish.
  • EDIT/UPDATE #3: Around the World bookstore in NYC was recommended by many, which seems to have single issues of Burda online, but perhaps could also be contacted about a subscription. I’ve also had several nice people offer to go there for me, but, happily I have a sister who works nearby so I’m making her go. You know, just to check it out. I realize forcing family to do things like this isn’t really an option for most people, but I’m not above taking advantage of my resources. 😉
  • EDIT/UPDATE #4: According to Canadian comments, Rolltek is now in charge of the Canadian distribution of Burda, and can be contacted at this email: service@roltek.com or at P 416 252 1101 Toll Free 1 877 776 5835. Not sure if they would be able/willing to ship to the US, but it is another option to explore.
  • EDIT/UPDATE #5: Unique Magazines might be another UK source for the English edition. It appears their checkout allows for international addresses, so it seems possible they will ship to the US.
  • EDIT/UPDATE #6: Magazine Cafe seems to have lots of options in multiple languages, including Burda Easy and Burda Plus. No word on how reliable they are, but they do have lots of options (though at prices quite somewhat higher than what GLP used to offer).

Obviously, there is a lot of unhappy going on here. It’s sad that a 50 year old business closed down. It’s sad the way they have treated their customers, with no formal email or other notification, let alone any sort of an offer for a refund. It’s sad that it is going to cause inconvenience for those of us who still want to get ahold of the magazine. Hopefully there will be a clear solution and step forward for those of us who still want Burda Magazines. I expect a lot of people are going to be angry and possibly boycott the magazine for a while, but for me there is a distinct difference between Burda and GLP. Just because GLP has done me dirty doesn’t mean I want my BurdaStyle magazines any less. So I’m going to explore all of my options, and probably make a lot of orders to the UK over the next couple of months. If the Amazon subscription falls through (which is possible; might be they were getting their magazines from GLP as well), then I suppose I’ll cave and pay for the full subscription from the UK distributor. But hopefully we’ll all have some more definite news and a clear path forward before then. As always, I’ll post when I have more information. Until then, let’s all try to keep the throwing of things to a minimum. No promises about minimizing my liberal use of the bleep face emoji though.

78 thoughts on “Burda PSA: Disaster Strikes! GLP News Has Died

  1. It happened to me with a food box subscription, I bought a 6mo/120€ subscription, didn’t receive anything, learnt from a law site than the company has been under a judicial closure. It made me very angry that the payment on the site was still opened while they knew they could not ensure the delivery ! But I looked out and learnt than after all is sold, the first people to get the money left (ours ^^) is the employees, then the providers, then (if any at this point) the customers. I understood i will never see my money back, unfortunately, this is how it is…

    That is sad, but yes GLP is an intermediate so Burda has nothing to do with the close of this company, I’m not sure they were aware, maybe trying to negotiate new or exclusive contracts with other distributors was longer than expected, or maybe GLP contract was a smaller part of their income and it didn’t worth the effort yet, no one knows at this point. I love Burda, but to be honest, they are not good at global communication. In europe, france at least, they are constantly “commercially attacked” by new comers: new magazines and independents companies. It seems they are trying to grab a part of the sewing newbies, more easy magazines, changes of pages layout, more presence on the social networks… on US site, I think Meg Healy is doing a great job to animate the community, there’s no such thing here. Maybe they are more focused on the competition than the customer services. We’ll see, i hope you’ll find a new way to subscribe easily and with reliability.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks for your post. I didn’t get around to buying a subscription yet. I thought about Amazon too, just didn’t do it yet.
    This same thing happened to me last year, but with a subscription to Machine Quilting magazine. I got my renewal by email and resubbed, only to learn the next week that the magazine shut down production. Surely they knew before sending out emails. Not nice, but when they just disappear there is nothing you can do. So sorry this happened to you. It is nice of you to post.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh wow this is had news! I’m a bit shocked because I had assumed that folks in the US would get their Burda subscription through the official Burda US site. Maybe that’s what they’ll be setting up now? Seems really weird to leave you all hanging! Weird that such a big part of their customer base is in the US but they don’t cultivate them… But mostly, the behavior of GLP shocks me. How can they not tell their customers? How can they keep your money? That didn’t even occur to me at first. And it surely is more than Burda…
    Good luck! (And if anyone would like translation help with the German version, I’ll be happy to help to the best of my ability. I’ll be notified of comments here)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This seriously sucks. Since last year I haven’t been able to get my hands on a Burda mag (I’m Canadian), which annoys me. I haven’t been willing to put out the big bucks for a subscription, but when I saw it’s available through Amazon US, now I’m thinking maybe. Amazon, I trust. Especially now that since Vogue Pattern magazine is no more, I have more room in the budget for Burda.

    BTW, another reason for having a real magazine (besides eye candy) is the patterns don’t stay available forever on the website. I don’t know how long they stay there, but there have been a few that I was going to download and they had gone away.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I found a contact in Europe to let me subscribe to the english Burda magazine directly here in Canada, rather than through a distributor. I don’t know if there’s a way to PM people–but I’m happy to pass the contact on if anyone is looking to do this.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Yes, the US site only has patterns going back to 2015; my collection goes back to 2000, with a few odd vintage magazines I’ve picked up dating back to the 1950s! Definitely a good reason to collect the magazines.


  5. This sucks for all of you in the US! As you say, this did happen late last year here in Canada, and I lost nearly $100.

    I can vouch for the UK Newstand service – I purchased a 6 month subscription in January and was very happy with it… I think they ship nearly anywhere, and the shipping was affordable. As of June 2019 I’ll be trying a company in Toronto (I live in Quebec). I cannot vouch for them yet – it is new. Prices are comparable to UK Newstand. The Roltek website offers basically nothing, but if you email them they will reply within a day, I CAN say they are patient – I had a terrible March financially and so have only now just paid my subscription – but they didn’t complain. Heather was super sweet. If anyone wants their info:

    Roltek International Inc & Bay Street Publishing Inc for over 50 Years
    Direct Distribution Solutions across Canada USA for Magazines, Newspapers & More
    10, 000 Newspapers & Magazines/1 APP Pressreader
    305 Evans Avenue | Toronto ON M8Z 1K2
    P 416 252 1101 Toll Free 1 877 776 5835

    Oh, and if you are looking for older issues of Burda, of course as you say, Doctor T, Ebay is great, and there is also a seller on Etsy called Busy Beaver Boutique. She is in Canada too, and has TONS of older Burdas.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I hope it helps people! I’ve found the European office very helpful and fair. Sometimes slow to reply given all their extra holidays over there (envious sigh) but overall I’m pleased with how things have gone with them.

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    1. Thx for the info. I was eagerly awaiting my June issue when I tried contacting GLP news and got my emails returned. Your post clarifies the situation. I’m sad and will try other means as you suggest.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. I meant to add that you can get subscriptions from them as well as individual issues.
    I get La Mia Boutique magazines here once in a while.

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  7. What’s shocking is that people are saying ‘this happened with [insert magazine here].’ What is this nonsense? How is it that companies can just close and walk away with peoples’ money??

    I renewed my subscription in February and only received the March and April issues. They owe me four magazines or the balance of my subscription. I have receipts and will certainly be making noise if I don’t get my money back.

    I can’t believe they let your payment for Burda Easy go through knowing full well they were closing. I complained about not receiving the May issue at the end of April and never got a response (phone or email). The fact that they processed your payment last weekend is theft. Periodt.

    *insert swearing angry emoji*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Like I said, the 🤬🤬🤬 emoji is getting lots of use today. I’m not totally surprised; I figure it’s a bit like investing in a company that goes bankrupt – the investors just aren’t getting that money back. It is frustrating because I don’t make a lot of money right now, but, I will say that Burda is one of the few things that regularly “sparks joy” for me, so I definitely find it worth the cost, even if it means paying double.


    2. I thought that the USA Burda Style site had knowledge of GLP closing, been the magazine distributor, but when I contacted them, they respond me like they never heard of GLP and I far as I remember sometime ago, they had a GLP reference in the site saying GLP was the magazine distributor. I would like that they at least had contacted Burda in Germany to find out and give me a proper response.


  8. I am in the UK and have my Burda subscription through Newstand. I hope the influx of US buyers doesn’t diminish their supply!! Should they be told to order more copies in readiness? Have any of you bought your subscriptions through GLP using a credit card because you may be able to get your money back that way! Just a thought.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hmmmm, that is a thought. I’ll have to see if that would be possible, but then I think it would be the credit card company losing out and I’m not sure they’d go for that either…


      1. I had the same thought! If you bought your subscription through a credit card, you can contest the charge. The ease and success of it may vary depending on company, but I’ve had good luck with it. Worth a try!

        Liked by 1 person

  9. I buy the odd Burda from Newsstand and find it’s very reliable. I expect I may subscribe when I have more time for sewing. The way subscription prices are going, it may soon fall into the £100 you can claim back from the credit card company, at least in the UK. It’s infuriating when companies leave you in the lurch but some canny people find redress … https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6142711/British-mother-marches-House-Fraser-store-carries-SOFA.html … Whilst I don’t covet her settee, she has b@lls. ;);)

    Liked by 2 people

  10. On Amazon it says this about the Burda subcription: “This magazine subscription is provided by Magazine Express, Inc.” Yelp reviews of Magazine Express are dismal.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi there – this is all very disappointing and I echo the comments of other people here. I am based in the UK so do let me know if it’s of any help to post you the next issue or anything like that – I so appreciate your blog and all your wonderful Kibbe posts, and I’m happy to help if I can at the moment.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Oh what bad news! You must be gutted 😦 I haven’t got any bright ideas to add but I hope the UK sub works out. I get mine through another UK company, Unique Magazines, but I don’t know if they ship internationally.


  13. Thank you for this information. I had not heard anything until I read your blogpost. I’m sad that GLP closed so abruptly (I hope that they are okay) while also being annoyed about the uncertainty of my subscriptions. sigh….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I’m trying different avenues and I’ll report back in a few months when I figure out what the most reliable source is and if/who the new US distributor will be.


      1. I admit that I followed your lead and ordered a copy of the June issue from UK Newsstand. I think that will allow the new (US) supplier (whoever they are) to settle in and I don’t have to worry about an issue going out-of-print.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. FYI— I received email notification that a copy of the June issue of Burda style was shipped to me today from Newsstand UK. I still don’t know who is the US distributor of Burda Style. Thank you for collecting the information and updating this post.

        Liked by 1 person

  14. This is bad news, but I am more dismayed to learn that Vogue Patterns Magazine has ceased publication! It has always been my “fashion” magazine. I have sporadically bought other fashion magazines, but I have consistently bought VPM for the past 40 some years. I have always felt the designs in other magazines were unattainable. But with some gumption and a little cash I could have a design featured in VPM. I also will miss Kathryn Brenne and Claire Schaeffer’s contributions.
    Recently I had decided to not renew a bead magazine subscription and begin a VPM subscription. Thanks for saving me money VPM! Why, why, why!?


  15. SimplyMcButtVogue – ha ha ha ha – hope the burda stuff all works out. My local library used to buy them and they would be a few months behind, but the council library service is no longer subscribing :o(


  16. The internet is wonderful in many ways. Reaching out with blogs like yours but it is proving the death knell for many print magazines and publishers. 😦


    1. The print magazine and publisher aren’t the problem here! It is just the distributor–and their website says a new company is taking that on, so the sky hasn’t fallen yet. It is quite possible Burda has no knowledge what is going on. Once a magazine is published, it can be distributed in numerous ways that have nothing to do with Burda. I skimmed all the comments so I might have missed something, but would be interested to hear if anyone actually contacted them for an update…I’d expect some delayed issues, but I wouldn’t institute a claim at this point.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know on @ysg2007’s instagram post she commented that she has been calling and emailing since last month because her May issue never arrived and never got any response. The consensus on Instagram is that nobody was/has been/will be dealing with customers from GLP News, so we are now all just *waiting* to hear who the new distributor for the US subscription will be.


  17. Thank you for this alert about GLP. I just renewed my Burda Style subscription there two weeks ago. As soon as I read this post I called my credit card to dispute this charge. I also went to the French Burda site to subscribe:
    They offer combined Burda Style subscriptions with Easy and/orPlus as well as something called Burda Creatif which seems to be crafts. With a little luck I’ll get my money back from GLP but in any case I should receive my burdas.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Alas, another one bites the dust….the stages of grief with crafty-type items and you offer some great suggestions. Another suggestion is to find out what is going on by reading your posts! You do a great job of keeping us up-to-date!
    Thank you!!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. UGH!!! My entire comment got eaten 😦 To summarize:

    the Burdastyle.com website is a separate entity from V.A. Burda.
    When I subbed through Amazon it listed VA Burda but my sub was distributed by GLP
    The UK site looks as if US people can subscribe but you cannot. In the additional info there’s a disclaimer that you must live in the UK for a subscription.
    I wonder how brick & mortar locations receive their mags. I have a place that sells them but they are quite a bit more expensive than an annual sub is per issue.
    This sucks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know the German site has a place to call to arrange international subscriptions; I assume distributors deal directly with Burda to order however many of the magazines. I have also been messaged that German Burda has been directing people to subscribe through the French site? I will edit the post to add updates with info I’ve been getting through other channels (aka Instagram).


  20. I live in New York and tried to swing by Around the World yesterday…but the brick and mortar store has closed! Magazine Cafe, which is a few blocks away, had one copy of this month’s Burda Style on the shelf, so maybe send your sister there instead!

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  21. Thought I would just add a few extra points based on our experience last year in Canada…

    It took about 4 months for a new distributor to pick up the rights, and another 2 months after that to get the magazine supply chain up and running. So altogether, this will probably be a maximum of 6 months disruption, probably less given how much larger the US market is.

    I got through using the newsstand UK website, worked great, but expect about an extra 2 weeks arrival time compared to usual. A couple great pluses for Newsstand is they will refund 95% of your remaining balance when you cancel (unfortunately you need to call the UK during their business hours, but it was worth it!), so even though i prepaid for a year, I only used 6 months and got 45% of my payment back. Their online portal also makes it easy to quickly suspend/restart delivery with no penalty. I used this when I thought Roltek would have the February issue out in time, but when it was missed, I managed to restart Newsstand in time to get the issue. Not sure if that was available with the US GLP News (certainly wasn’t here!), but could be a great service for people who want to see the preview before deciding if they want the issue, while still getting the discounted 12 month subscription pricing.

    Anyway, good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. I’ll have to check my local bookstore-I haven’t bothered subscribing because they reliably have multiple BurdaStyles. It will be a shame if that’s no longer a possibility 😦


  23. One of the German magazines my mom subscribed to through GLP actually emailed me and said that Roltek in Canada would take over. And that’s what GLP News has on their website now too. They just haven’t sorted out the whole thing yet and are asking for continued patience. Hopefully this all goes well and we all get our Burda and other magazines. The magazines are really a piece of home to my 79 year old mother.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Sure is 🙂 I just had renewed 3 subscriptions for my mother and one week after that, I see the GLP’s website stating that they closed their doors. I was shocked, to say the least, and immediately disputed with my credit card for the reason that they stated no successor and that they did not notify their customers at renewal time. That’s still bad business! I will resubscribe once Roltek’s service is up and going.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes I did the same with the credit card since it was so nebulous. Glad to see they aren’t leaving us totally stranded. I’m still getting a supplemental subscription to tide me over during the transitional phase!


  24. Ok, I am affected with a Essen+Trinken subscription. Emailed to Roltek, and a very nice person wrote me back. And yes, GLP took the money and ran. 🤬

    “As you may be aware, GLP has closed their doors, ceased all operations and with this has stopped delivery service.

    Sunrise News has stepped in to try and save most subscriptions and they are working with the publishers to get everything operational once again.

    Please note that this is not a takeover, Sunrise News has not bought GLP, they have not taken on their debts, they are simply the new distributor, and they have no ties or affiliation to GLP.

    Roltek International Inc. will be managing the subscriptions and renewals for Sunrise News moving forward and are looking forward to this relationship.There is a product list which is attached that outlines which products Sunrise News will be servicing moving forward.

    If you have subscribed to a product through GLP that is not on this list, unfortunately you will need to get in contact with GLP as Sunrise News will not be able to service these subscriptions that were purchased through GLP. Again, Sunrise News has no contact or affiliation with GLP.

    Please bear with us in this time of transition, delivery service shall resume within the next 1-2 weeks.

    In regards to back issues, Sunrise News was able to get product starting May 26, 2019 and will be moving forward from this date.

    We will have our system up and running in the next couple of weeks and will be able to take new subscriptions and renewals once this system is in place.

    Your patience is greatly appreciated.

    Sincerely, Tyson Theaker. Operations Manager”




  25. Thanks so much for this! I’ve been subscribing to a German cooking magazine (Meine Gute Landküche, which is also published by Burda) through GLP News for several years, and your updates helped me to find Magazine Cafe, which appears to carry it! I’m delighted!

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Ordered from Magazine Cafe 3 months ago – paid for the subscription ($80) and so far NOTHING although their email stated subscription would start within 4 – 6 weeks!! Also NO response to any emails. Paid with Paypal and will try to get my money back


  27. I spoke to a very nice lady at Roltek today as I did not get an answer to my emails to service@roltek.com. One of the 3 subscriptions I had for my mother was paid by debit card and the bank would not reimburse the money based on the ‘be patient, service will resume’ postings. The other two were paid by credit card and I was able to recover the funds.
    In this phone call, I was told that neither my mother’s nor my name could be found as subscribers, that the magazine she subscribed to is not carried by Cover-all or Roltek and that I cannot even pick another magazine as replacement since there is no data submitted by GLP that my mother EVER had a subscription. Therefore I have to assume that GLP did obviously run with the money. I am just mad that I did not pay this one with credit card too (my almost 80 year old mother wanted to pay for this one herself). It’s a lesson to me to not ever pay anything online with debit card again!


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