Newsflash: BurdaStyle December Preview Posted

Perhaps a better title for this post would be, “BurdaStyle: A Redemption Story.”  As you might recall, I was none too thrilled by the early preview of this issue.  Luckily, the early preview showcased most of the boring patterns from this issue, instead of the good stuff.  When I looked through the full preview on the Russian website, I found plenty to like!  Though this issue definitely trends more towards the fancy holiday party side of things, there are still a good number of every-day wearable patterns included as well.  And, actually, I think that depending on fabric choices a lot of these patterns could go either way – be super dressy or classic but casual.  In any case, here is a look at December:

Firstly, I have to say that if I were going to any fancy dress parties I would be totally set.

So pretty!  Actually this would be a great holiday dress –
not too over the top, but still fancy enough for the occasion.
Not super exciting, but still a nice party dress.
The long version of the gold dress – probably not as versatile, but still so pretty!
Hmmm… I think I like the shorter version of this better.
This is supposed to be a dress, but I think the fabric makes it look a little nightgown-ish.

Though not everything in this issue was all fun and sparkles – there were a lot of “every day” wearable sorts of things as well:

Bright happy skirt.
Is anyone else craving watermelon now?
I actually really like this, though perhaps not in Pepto Bismal Pink velvet.
I feel like this skirt would be fun to swoosh in.
This tunic/dress is pretty, though it was not styled well in the magazine.
A bit Puritanical?  Perhaps a bit dowdy for my taste.
I do like this vintage dress though.
Here is a look at the line drawing.
This dress I love!  It feels very unexpected when compared to other patterns in this issue.
Line drawing – it looks like it might require a fair bit of really precise sewing.

Also, the coats in this issue are fabulous!  So much good stuff…

Oooooooh!  I love everything about this.
This one feels a bit… Steampunk?  And yet, I still rather like it.  And more yummy piping!
I can’t decide if the poofy peplum looks messy or cute.
Swoon!  I LOVE this coat.  Classic, chic, stylish.  This is totally on the must make list.
I also really like this brocade jacket – very pretty.
The seaming is quite interesting as well.
And it is also available in a longer style too!
I also really like this happy coat.
Though I can’t decide – if I made one out of fleece would I look fabulous or crazy?
I must admit, I do like the curved seams at the top.
Another interesting jacket, though I am a bit confused – is this the back?
The line drawing seems to make a bit more sense.
Though, really, this blue jacket is probably my favorite of the three bright ones.
It would make a great casual piece for running errands and the like.
I don’t even really mind the giant patch pockets.

And, well, this Burda Plus section was sort of a mixed bag this time:

Pretty or crazy?
Here I question fabric choice, not the pattern.
I do love this vest though.
And the VaVaVoom dress!
I thought this looked sorta familiar…
But after I saw the line drawing I realized…
It is the same as last year’s dress!

And, finally, although this issue has mostly redeemed itself, there are still a few patterns that left me shaking my head…

The dust ruffle sleeves… ugh.  The fabric choice doesn’t help one bit either.
The vest alone would be fine, but the sewn-in sleeves just make me shake my head.
I mean, if  you are going to sew on sleeves to reduce bulk, why make them so puffy?

All in all though, I think this is a pretty great issue.  I mean, I was worried about getting a totally drab and uninspiring issue.  But the one section of bold colors and the other section full of metallics make it a bit more happy.  Not to mention, there are some great patterns in this issue.  I thought this issue was going to be really depressing, but instead it is more like this:

I feel like I just got a pony!

Ok, well, maybe not exactly like I just got a pony, but, you know, I am at least pleasantly surprised.  And as such I am having a really difficult time picking the best pattern of the magazine.  I am torn between two dresses and two jackets.  Hmmmm….  I suppose in the end I am going to have to give the Best of BS December 2012 to:

Gold party dress!

I think this dress is perfect – elegant, stylish, yet the neckline makes it conservative enough to wear to a family dinner.  The fact that it comes in two lengths is nice as well.  And I think that, depending on fabric choice, this dress could be very wearable in “real life” and not just at fabulous celebrations.  For those of you who are wondering – yes, the navy military inspired jacket came in a close second, but I decided it wasn’t as versatile as this dress.  My other top choices were the gold metallic jacket (with the lapels) and the black and white graphic dress.

Now, for the worst of this month.  I thought this was pretty obvious, though I could see why others might disagree with my choice, but I have given BWTF December award to:

Vest with sleeves!

No.  Just no.  Those sleeves are atrocious and just make it look like the faux shirt is too big and the vest is too small.  Just get a shirt that fits and make the vest separately.  It looks like you could fit football pads under those sleeves.

And that is that!  Hard to believe this is the last issue of 2012.  I mean, I know we are going to get the January issue before the year is out, but, still, it is strange to think that the year is almost finished.  Time is flying and I really wish it would slow down for just a bit, because it feel like I have too much to do and not enough time to get it all done.

In any case, what do you all think of this issue?  Are you happy with the patterns, or do you find it all rather boring and dull?  Are the few patterns using bright colors, metallics, and sequins enough for you to forgive the fact that a majority of this magazine is featuring dark colors and conservative styles that would have shown up at the first Thanksgiving?  What is the final verdict – December, yay or nay?  Feel free to discuss in the comments!

8 thoughts on “Newsflash: BurdaStyle December Preview Posted

  1. Oooo, I kinda like the steampunk jacket. And the hooded ones! You could definitely make that happy jacket in fleece – it's really nice to see Burda doing some fun things. Although that vest really is laughable.


  2. omg Omg OMG! I have a dress pinned on pinterest that has almost the exact same design lines as that stunner at the top. As if I wasn't sold on that one… there is SO much to get excited about for this issue!!! I need to gets me to a newsagent… STAT!
    Although… think the zip on that hoodie would be horrid to wear if you actually like to wear your hoodies up – would get caught in your hair!


  3. There's a lot here I really like – the black dress with white piping is enough for me to “need to” buy this issue. I like the hoodies too.

    I do enjoy seeing the bizarre stuff – the Krystle Carrington biker jacket and the sleeved waistcoat will not be on my sewing list any time soon.


  4. This is about a billion times better than I thought it was going to be based on the sneak preview. I'm looking forward to getting this issue now, lots of good stuff.


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