Burda Vintage is Here!

My copy of the Burda Vintage magazine arrived in the mail the other day.  While I was hoping to get a few more patterns than we were shown in the early preview, I wasn’t too surprised when I didn’t.  What I was surprised about was the quality of the magazine – it definitely felt like more of a collector’s item than a regular monthly magazine.  Burda Vintage was printed on a more matte type of paper, reminiscent of the editions I have from the 1950s.  It also contained many more pages of inspirations and source photos than we usually get from Burda.  Each pattern had (1) the original vintage artwork, (2) an article discussing the importance of the style, including photos of celebrities and famous designers, (3) a modern-day photo, and (4) modern day styling suggestions.  While I maintain that the fabric choices are still a bit questionable, seeing the celebrity photos has made me warm up to a few of the patterns I had originally found questionable (of course, Audrey Hepburn can make anything look good – just sayin’).  The instructions look a bit better than average for Burda, I’m thinking they took a bit of extra care for this issue.  Seems like they are really excited for it – apparently there was a swanky launch party in Germany.  My only complaints are (1) that I want the pretty teal cover with the vintage artwork!  and (2) why did they quasi-glue the pattern sheets in the back?  Mine ripped when I went to remove it.  Sadface.  Overall, though, I’m actually really pleased to have this issue in my collection.  Despite the minimal number of patterns, it is a really lovely magazine with lots of great inspiration and some beautiful photos and artwork.

I really wanted the other cover, sorry to say.
Nice binding – no staples!
Love them showing the original artwork!
I also rather enjoy the inclusion of period photos – I wasn’t too thrilled by the model photo,
but the picture of Audrey looks fantastic.
I also really like the styling tips in this issue – great ways to make Vintage designs
fit into a modern wardrobe.  (Also, I’m still loving the coat!)
Not as many designs as usual, but they are all very distinct.
Most of them have some really lovely details too.
The instructions aren’t as detailed as they would be in Burda Easy,
but they seem a bit better translated than in the usual monthly magazines.
Not happy about the glue spots or tear in my pattern sheet though!
They do look less dense than a normal issue – should be easier to trace.

Did anyone else get the vintage magazine?  What are your thoughts on all of the extra inspirations and styling tips?  Anyone else have trouble extracting the patterns from the back?  Feel free to discuss in the comments!

4 thoughts on “Burda Vintage is Here!

  1. the grey jacket pattern with the back pleats looks particularly lovely! did you order yours as a one-off from somewhere, or did it come as part of a subscription? i've yet to sort out how to order a copy of it.


  2. Thank you for the warning about the pattern sheets–I will try steaming them with my tea kettle when I remove them from the magazine. I'm really glad that I special ordered the issue (from GLP) It was a very nice surprise.

    Rose in SV


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