2013 Dance Dress

This year I knew I wasn’t going to have a lot of time to decorate my own costumes, so I wanted to make something that would have maximum sparkle with minimum effort.  I found this great sequin fabric in the Los Angeles Fashion District, and lined it with some acetate slinky.  It had a lovely flow and fantastic sparkle.  It was a bit of a pain to sew with these sequins because they were so big , but the result was totally worth it.  Between sewing and stoning the dress it took me about 15-20 hours to complete.  I think I liked my dress from last year a bit better (I loved the intricate beading and lacework on that dress), but I was happy with the way this dress turned out.

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My dance dress.
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Side view.
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The back.  This picture actually gives a better
indication of how much it really sparkles.
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Another back shot (from regionals).

So that was my dance dress!  I was pretty happy with it, but my favorite dress that I made this year was my figure dress for nationals, which I will be showing off very soon.  Stay tuned!

7 thoughts on “2013 Dance Dress

  1. OMG the stonework… egads that must've taken forever. Somehow I expected inline skates for this sort of thing.. (no idea why-perhaps because ice-skating is the only similar thing I've come across..)


  2. Wait a minute…I recognize those floor curtains…that's my region! 🙂 So glad to have stumbled upon your great blog (and thanks for the link to my Cal Neva website!). I've been coaching and sewing for folks up here for years, and just opened a retail fabric store. Looking forward to meeting you in lovely Fresno in June…ours is such a strange, tiny world, and it will be fun to read all about your sewing adventures in the future! 🙂


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